[video] - How to Use the Cancal Direct App


This video guide walks you through the entire process of installing, activating, and setting up the Cancal Direct app on your Shopify store. Learn how to easily manage order cancellations to improve your store’s customer experience.

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Hi there, Sulejman here, the developer of this app from Newcraft.dev. In this video, I’ll walk you through how to use the Cancel Direct Shopify app. Let’s dive in!

[Settings Overview]

Once you’ve added the app to your store, the first thing you’ll see is the Settings page.

Cancellation Policy

• Here, you have full control over your cancellation policy. • You can decide when customers are allowed to cancel their orders. Options include: • Allowing cancellations until the order is shipped. • Setting a specific time frame after purchase for cancellations. • Restricting self-cancellations if the total order amount, including shipping, is below a certain value.

Cancellation Reasons

• Next, you’ll find the section for setting Cancellation Reasons. • You can: • Add your own predefined reasons. • Toggle checkboxes to: • Display the list of cancellation reasons to the customer. • Require the customer to select a predefined reason. • Allow customers to provide their own cancellation reasons.

Post-Cancellation Actions

• Finally, we have the Post-Cancellation Actions. • Here, you can choose to automatically: • Refund the full order. • Restock inventory when an order is canceled.

That’s basically it! You now have everything you need to set up and use this app.

[App Blocks Setup]

Now, let’s take a look at the app blocks.

• You can find the app blocks under Settings. Then, go to Checkout and click on Customize. • Navigate to the page where you want to add the app block. In our case, we’ll add it to the Thank You page and the Order Status page.

Adding App Block to the Thank You Page

  1. On the top left corner, click on Sections.
  2. At the bottom, you’ll see Add a Block – click on that.
  3. You’ll see the available blocks – choose the one you want, and it will be added to your page.
  4. You can change the order of the app block by clicking on the left arrow and dragging it to the top.
  5. Click on the widget name to open settings where you can change titles and button texts as needed.

Repeating for the Order Status Page

• Repeat the same process for the Order Status page. Once you’re done, make sure to save the settings.

[Live Demo]

Let’s switch over to our demo store and see this in action.

• I’ll add a product to our checkout, log in, and click Pay Now. • Then, we’ll go back to the app settings where I’ll add two predefined reasons:

  1. “My dog ordered it.”
  2. “I changed my mind.” • Now, back to our checkout – after paying, you can cancel the order with one of the options provided. I’ll pick “My dog ordered it” and cancel the order. • You’ll see a confirmation message: “Your order has been successfully canceled.” • Going to the order details, you’ll notice the order is refunded, restocked, and the cancellation reason is added as a tag.

Custom Cancellation Reasons

• If a customer provides a custom reason, it will appear differently: • The reason will be shown in the order notes. • A default tag will be used for tagging these orders.

Custom Reasons Report

• You can find custom cancellation reasons under the Custom Reasons Report in the app settings. • Here, you can view, analyze, and click directly to the related order.

[Excluding Products from Cancellations]

What if you don’t want customers to cancel certain products? Use the Exclude Products tab for that.

• Here, you’ll find a non-cancelable tag. • Copy this tag and assign it to a product. Once tagged, the product cannot be canceled by the customer. • For example, I’ve tagged a gift card product, and when trying to cancel this order, you’ll see it’s not possible due to restrictions.


And that’s it! That’s the demo of the Cancel Direct Shopify app. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I’m happy to help!

Thanks for watching, and have a great day!