How to use the custom reasons report?


The custom reasons report page allows you to view the various custom reasons that people have entered. This feature is particularly useful for understanding the unique reasons behind order cancellations or modifications.

Custom reasons report image

The report will initially be empty but will populate as customers provide their reasons.

Each reason is attached to a specific order, enabling you to click through and directly access the relevant order details. This seamless integration helps in quickly identifying and managing orders based on the custom reasons provided.

Delete custom reasons

You also have the option to delete any reason if it is no longer relevant or was entered in error. This ensures that your data remains clean and up-to-date.

Order overview page

Additionally, to streamline your workflow, you can filter the order overview page using the tag filter cancel_reason:other. This filter helps you quickly locate orders that have been tagged with particular reasons, making it easier to manage and analyze specific subsets of your data.

Custom reasons report image

Note: You cannot view the custom reason in the orders overview page. To see the custom reasons, you need to either go to the specific order itself, where all the details pertaining to that particular order will be displayed, including any custom reasons added. Alternatively, you can visit the custom reasons report page, which aggregates all custom reasons across different orders, providing a comprehensive view of the data.

Overall, the custom reasons report page is a powerful tool for gaining insights and maintaining control over your order management process.